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Project Overview

As someone who grew up in Petersburg and has walked most of its streets and talked to many of its residents in their homes, I feel extremely comfortable here and am interested in the stories of the people who call Petersburg home, for better or worse. My goal is to tell 100 personal stories through a combination of photography and written accounts. A key component of this project will be a side-profile portrait of each individual.

Through the personal stories and photographs, I hope to demonstrate the unique qualities of each person, while also highlighting the many similarities we all share. Regardless of skin color, culture, language, or nationality, we all have similar physical traits and personal stories. Ultimately, we all have the same basic needs, wants, and hopes. That’s why I’ve named this project “a-side-of-us,” and my hope is to turn it into a book.

To bring this project to life, I hope to visit individuals in their homes or elsewhere, document their stories, and capture photographs of them in their environment. Whenever possible, I will take the side-profile portrait in my studio located on Old Street in Old Towne. However, if that’s not possible, I will bring a portable studio to the individual’s home.

Would you or someone you know be willing to be interviewed to share their story of life in the city of Petersburg, Virginia? If so please email me at


Two New Ways To Tell Your Story

To further expand my ability to hear and record your stories, I’ve created 2 alternatives to a face-to-face interview right here on this webpage!

Option 1

Use the interview questionnaire form below and tell your story by typing your answers. You are not required to answer every question and you are welcome to pick and choose. Be as brief or as lengthy as you desire.

Option 2 

Tell me your story by recording it in 5 minute segments. If you prefer this method, click or tap record below and then use the questions in the form as a guide for telling your story.


Your “a side of us” Story

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Would you be interested in an in-person interview?
Do you currently live in Petersburg?


The following section is for those who grew up in Petersburg.


This section is for those that attended grade school in Petersburg.


These questions are for anyone that has lived in Petersburg regardless of the amount of time.


These questions are for anyone that has lived in Petersburg regardless of the amount of time.

You did it!

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I appreciate your insights and participation in this project! I will contact you to schedule your photo session. It can be done in my studio or at your home and will take no more than 15 minutes.

Disclaimer and Agreement for Submitting Personal Information for Publication in the "a side of us" Book and Website

By submitting personal information for publication in our book and website, you agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that all personal information submitted will be included in the book or website. We reserve the right to edit, omit, or exclude any personal information for any reason at our sole discretion. 2. Ownership: You acknowledge that any personal information submitted becomes the property of the book and website owners and may be used, reproduced, or published in any format or medium without additional permission or compensation. 3. Accuracy: You represent and warrant that all personal information submitted is true, accurate, and complete to the best of your knowledge. You acknowledge that any false or misleading information submitted may be cause for exclusion from publication. 4. Release: You hereby release and hold harmless the book and website owners, their agents, employees, and assigns from any and all claims, damages, or liability arising from the publication or use of your personal information. 5. Copyright: You acknowledge that all content published in the book and website is protected by copyright laws and may not be reproduced or used without prior written permission from the book and website owners. 6. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the book and website owners, their agents, employees, and assigns from any and all claims, damages, or liability arising from the publication or use of any personal information submitted by you. 7. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the book and website owners are located. By submitting personal information for publication in our book and website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this disclaimer and agreement.